As a San Francisco resident who reads about, writes about, and teaches urbanism, I appreciate Professor Del Rio’s ability to connect the challenges and successes of both North and South American cities. Both struggle with providing decent housing and basic services to their lowest income households. In the United States, the private sector provides most housing. Baltimore is a case study in City Fragments and brings the story of a city that had been abandoned by its middle class up to date, starting with the public-private partnerships in the 1980s that set the tone for leveraging the city’s strengths to facilitate renewal that best served all residents, not just the few who could afford to rehabilitate glorious old buildings. In contrast, it was interesting to read of Brazilian favella dwellers taking activist approaches to claiming basic services and respect for their neighborhoods. The comparison is useful for those of us concerned about city decay and rebirth. It gives guidance in best practices for city regeneration and the possibilities of expert led, resident led, and combined efforts.
City fragments
R$ 110,00
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